Just north of Trivandrum in Kerala, India there is a rural health
training centre that serves many of the poorest fishing villages nearby.
I arrived there one afternoon recently to visit the facilities and was
surprised to find myself clambering over building materials. Already a
facility with 100 beds and a range of departments, this quasi-hospital
is about to double in size. The medical staff are overrun with demand
and are working hard to meet ever increasing expectations for quality of
Such is the vision and energy of the Diocese of South Kerala, that
millions of rupees are being invested to upgrade and expand facilities
to serve this rising demand. The formula is simple. This rural health
training centre provides a standard of care and response to patients
that put local government facilities to shame. They do this at a
fraction of the price of the more sophisticated private hospitals that
compete for business amongst the wealthy.
I asked our colleague, Dr. Bennet Abraham, how expansive were his
ambitions? There are 3 diocesan hospitals, including Karakonam with its
renowned medical college. It seemed to me that the Diocese was providing
health services pitched at just the right point to serve the majority
of the poor and rising middle class. In terms of impact, the sky was the
How far should the Church go in fulfilling such a role in its
surrounding community? My mind goes back to my visit to St. Luke's
Houston, the largest health system in that part of Texas with its world
class hospitals and community care projects. Anglicans in this network
are not out there simply to fill temporary gaps in service provision.
They believe that what they do arises from Christian vocation and is of
unique value in their societies at large. In their prayers they see a
God who cares for the world outside the Church. They see body and spirit
intertwined. They follow the call of Christ the healer.
Our colleagues in different parts of the Anglican Communion face us all
with a challenge: the care of the sick and the promotion of wellness is
God's business and ours. As it stands, for those who have the vision,
there is no ceiling on their ambitions. The sky's the limit...
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